History of Ethryll – Kris & Martin (and on a couple of occasions, Hannah)
Kris & Martin worked together previously since 2011 when Martin became the new keyboard player in Manning, a band Kris had joined in 2008.
During their times together they played a number of festivals and toured Europe. On a couple of occasions Hannah joined the band onstage – and thus began a Folk rooted collaboration.
There are many stories, which we are sure if you get them drunk enough they will bore you to death with – but here are a collection of photos of these times.
Health Warning – Silly costumes may be present here.
Martin at Summers End
Heading to Rehearsal
Kris pretends he knows what those buttons do.
Kris at The Wesley Centre
Kris at The Wesley
Summers End
Summers End
The Wesley
The Wesley
Ironically, this was taken after our final ever gig – but we didn’t know it at the time.
A photoshoot at Elsecar
Martin Steampunking
Steampunk Kris & Martin
Multi talented Martin
Stern looking
The coldest wettest photo shoot ever in Roundhay Park